Friday, October 21, 2011

It has been over a year since the last time I have left a post of this site of mine, I am not going to lie and say that I was super busy and had no time to post because that would be lying; so I will just tell you the blunt truth, I forgot. I didn't mean to but without wanting to I forgot the name of the site and just generally forgot that I even had a blog. But thanks to being reminded by one of my only fans last night I have decided to once again try and keep this blog updated with what has been going on in my life.

Though in truth this blog will not just be focused on myself but also on my roommate and best friend Jones; since it is pretty much a fact that whatever adventures I get myself into Jones is always apart of them as well. We work together, live together and this is why this blog will revolve mostly around the two of us; partners in crime....though I am hoping to avoid actual jail time.

Now I think it would be a good time to give everyone an update about what has been happening in my life since my last post, because there has been a lot of things; it has been a year after all. Since my last post both Jones and I have since changed the companies we are in. We are no longer 9th Comm Marines but are currently stationed with the 15th MEU, training and preparing to head out to sea for deployment in August of next year. Jones left 9th Comm about six months before myself due to a miscommunication during a PFT run which forced me to suffer through life in Bravo Company alone without my best bro to go through it all without her, which might not seem that bad but it really was. It is hard to explain hell in any other words besides just calling it hell. I went through two roommates and my fair share of bullshit before I just couldn't take anymore; being yanked off the deployment roster was my final straw and I jumped on the first open boat out of that hell hole which just so happened to be the MEU who was more then willing to accept me; even with the stench of 9th Comm still fresh on me, that says a lot of their character.

I have also picked up Corporal since the last time I posted and Jones is not far behind, she rates the score to pick up as off November 1st. We will soon both be apart of the NCO ranks, go us. Within this new shop that I am now apart of rank is still what it is but it is not taken to be as important as it was in 9th Comm which I highly appreciate. Yes I am an NCO but that does not mean that I am above everyone else. I like the way everyone can have a say in things if they simply stand u and say it, voice what they think and 9 times out of 10 we will take it to heart. But there might be dark clouds forming in the distance but I will pro ably get into that on a later post so stand by for that.But I am getting off subject, right now this post is simply supposed to be about just filling you in on things. So here are some other minor details that have happened throughout the past year.

I have gone from a red head, to a blond and then back to a red head again. I have been to the field more times then I have ever wanted to during work ups for deployment only to be taken off their roster and went to the MEU right at the start of their work ups...go figure. Anyway, Jones purchased a truck which she loves and which has taken us back and forth between our various adventures and even with a few hiccups and the need to visit the doctor as of late will still be running strong in the end. I have gotten my green belt and after a long time Jones finally acquired her grey belt, we have been all around California and have run more miles then I have ever wanted to run in my entire life with still more to run. We have celebrated Christmas with our very own chem light covered Christmas tree and suffered through the chow halls version of a thanksgiving meal.

Jones has gotten the opportunity to do some pretty amazing things this last year, she has flown through the sky in an F-16 and was the only female member of the 15th MEU softball team.

I am not at all jealous that she got to fly in an F-16...okay maybe a little but come on who wouldn't be. I means he could have had the softball thing and I could have taken the flight in the jet I think that would have been totally fair. Sharing is caring after all.

But besides those things I really don't know what to tell you. I think I tried to cover all the big things that happened and even some of the small things that are really not that important to know about. So now that you all are updated I will try to keep updating these posts so you guys will always be up to date.

Oh, I almost forgot. Jones cut her hair.