Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sometimes you just need to DANCE'

I've come to realize over the last few months that there is one thing that every marine seems to do. Well at least every marine I have stumbled across or had the chance to meet. They all dance. It does not matter what situation they are in, who they are in the company of or even if they have any music playing in the background. It does not matter to them. We will break out dancing anywhere, for any reason. Though if I had to pick one reason that caused the dancing more then any other, it would be out of pure boredom.

Now, it does not always have to be a complete dance where they are totally rocking it out, bobbing their head and shaking their hips or some stupid shit like that. Most of the time it is short and really simple. Just a quick move. Just enough to make everyone laugh and to ease whatever situation we were in. Like today, we knew that if we encouraged Jones enough she would 'bust a move' and she did and it was just enough to amuse us for the rest of the time we were forced to sit there waiting in the shop.

But in truth when it comes to my friends, our dancing is not very little and not very short. When we start dancing it seems we never stop. We will spend minutes just dancing around. When I was in my MOS school, it never seemed to stop. All we ever seemed to do was dance, we danced in the barracks, in the smoke pit, in the classroom, during our breaks, in the chow hall, and pretty much anywhere you could be we would dance. We danced so much, we made videos about it. And not the normal type of videos, we went as far as making our own dance group. And through some messed up turn of events that I couldn't even begin to explain the group was entitled 'The next bandaids'

Dancing just seems to be apart of being a marine, I am starting to think that they should start putting it into the commercials, have the marine doing some bad ass shit, maybe have him or her blow something up. But then out of nowhere start up some music, something with a good beat and have the person break out some major dance moves. The catch line could be:

The few, the proud.....The dancing MARINES.

Okay so that was kinda of retarded but you get my point. I just think that it is cool that people involved in the baddest of the military branches and all we seem to do is dance. And I am sure we will continue to dance, because we will continue to have long days and moments of boredom and the easiest way to get through them, is to just dance.

Though now that I actually think about it, it could just be us. It could just be the way my friends do things. We may be the only group of marines that spend more then the usual amount of time dancing. Because if I really put some thought into it, I doubt this is how everyone does it. I don't think the marine corps is made up of a bunch of dancers. And if this is true then I personally think this is how everyone should act. It is very enjoyable, puts you in a good mood and tends to keep you happy. Not to mention it is a good source of exercise, and the marines do like to exercise. So I don't see why the would dislike the idea.

Okay, so that is my new goal. I am going to get a national dance day in the marine corps which will hopefully lead to the marine corps commercial I talked about earlier.

I am sure I can achieve this goal.

Totally going to happen.

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